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Got Money?

If you have money to invest to learn how to make money online AND have money to buy products a killer strategy is FBA!
FBA is fulfillment by Amazon. Here are the steps.

  1. Setup Amazon FBA Account.
  2. Find good selling products. These can be located at local stores or mailorder. There are phone apps that will scan bar codes on products in stores and compare it to other Amazon listings. If you can make a profit, buy it. There are many stories of people driving around the country to Target stores and buying all available inventory for certain products from every store.
  3. You then ship the products to Amazon.
  4. Make an Amazon Listing.
  5. Rinse and Repeat!
  6. Deposit huge Amazon checks.

People are making hundreds of thousands of dollars monthly doing this. The key is finding the right products and knowing the right strategies to get in the Amazon buy box.
Here is what the buy box looks like. The majority of the people ordering will take this defaults instead of searching other sellers which might actually have lower prices.



  • Selling via FBA vs selling regular on Amazon has major benefits.
    You do not need to monitor daily sales.  Amazon takes care of shipping products to customers
  • Amazon takes care of returns and customer service.
  • People can get the items shipped using Amazon Prime 2 day shipping which is free shipping to prime members. This increases sales as buyers would rather get free 2 day shipping rather than pay for slower shipping from other non FBA sellers.
  • It’s easier to get into the buy box. If you get into the buy box you can quickly sell hundreds of items.

This is not a low cost method though. Training is expensive and you need to be able to buy inventory. It can also take time to get paid by Amazon. You can however start small with just a few items and scale up.

The most popular training is $5000.

But I found a new course which is much cheaper!
Check it out here

There are cheaper courses available but they do not give you complete information and are many times taught by people not actually doing it. When you invest in powerful training like this you will succeed.




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