The Trick to Keep Your Customers Continuously Purchasing From You: The Benefits of A Loyalty Program
It’s often way more effort and expense to find new customers than to sell again to your current customers. So how can you persuade your current customers to continuously purchase from you? One way is to put in place a loyalty program that keeps them coming back for more. A loyalty program is a great …
Five Super Important Things to Rank Your Site
What is a Ranking in SEO? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is meant for the betterment of web pages to help search engines rank them accordingly. In SEO, ranking indicates the position of a website’s page on what’s called the search engine results pages (SERPs). According to Google, the ranking of a website is vital because …
How Can Simple Tweaks Drastically Improve Your Sales?
Making huge gains in traffic on your website and social media accounts is excellent, but what matters the most is generating conversions. There is no use in spending a large amount of money on extensive marketing campaigns if no one is buying your product or services or signing up for your website. Many tweaks can …
Why You Need Content For Your Site And Social Media?
There is no doubt about the fact that unique and attractive content is an essential part of your website and social media profiles. Excellent content, along with a well-thought out social media marketing strategy, will help your website stand out in the crowd and attract more users to your brand. Initially, it may seem a …
Why Content Is Still King
One common and popular phrase that has stood the test of time is “content is king” why? Because it has remained true despite hundreds of other factors like SEO practices, social media, and many other modern trends influencing online businesses and marketing. SEO experts have begun to adopt the philosophy that content is the most …
Using Trust To Build Your Business: What You Need To Know To Use Referrals To Your Advantage
Have you ever tried a product or service based on the word of a friend, colleague or family member? Many of us have, because we trust that person and are more likely to take their recommendation over someone we don’t know. This is the power of referrals. Ask your current customers if they have friends, family, …
How Creating A Sense of Urgency Can Help Improve Sales: Reducing/Offering Free Shipping Within A Certain Time Frame
Don’t you hate it when you’re searching for an item, find it at an amazing price, then see that shipping is going to cost you an arm and a leg? One way to increase your sales, especially over a short period of time, is to reduce the cost of your shipping, or offer a sale …
A Unique Way to Increase Your Customers Spend Per Sale: The Value of Offering A Gift With Purchase
Offering a free gift, with a purchase over a certain amount (or just with any particular item), is a great way to encourage people to buy from you, but also to spend more per sale if they have to spend a certain limit. A great way to take this strategy a step further is to …
How to Show Value and Position Your Price to Encourage Customers to Buy
One way to show value and highlight the great price you’re offering your customers is to point out when you are giving a discount or savings, as this lets customers know you’re giving them a great deal and lots of value. A discount also has a psychological effect – we feel we are getting a …
How to Use What Your Competitor is Doing Well to Improve Your Business
It’s time to check out the competition!! In school it may have been called cheating, but in the business world it’s just good old-fashioned market research! Find out where your competitors are advertising, spy on their sales funnels, and see how you can replicate any of their good ideas that appear to be working well. …