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Did You Know Leadpages Is Cheaper Than Free!

A usable account in LeadPages cost $67 per month.
Whenever I mention this to people they feel this is way too expensive.

But it is really not and actually will cost you money if you do not use LeadPages.

The reason for that is LeadPages has a feature where if a subscribers has ever filled out any LeadPage form with their email, even if it’s not yours, the email field is pre populated when they go to your page!
Pre populated means the email address is already in the box and the subscriber only has to click the submit button.
Does LeadPages know who you are? Click here to see one of my leadpages and if your email is pre filled in, then click Get Instant Access

That is huge. Between people being lazy and the fact that 50% of all traffic these days is on a phone this increases their optin percentage. Ever try to fill in your email address on a cellphone? What if it was Heather_Lockingshaw315@comcast.net? How many times is she likely to fill that in from her phone?

Pre population also eliminates typos.

I ran a split test using the exact same LeadPage both with (the default) and without pre populating.
For 8K clicks with pre populating got 43% optin and without got 39%.
So what does that mean?
If you buy SOLOs for 0.35 click to an avg 40% optin page you are paying 0.88 per subscriber.
Doesn’t matter how you may or may not monetize the subscriber after they optin.
So if you get 4 more subscribers per 100 clicks at 0.88 per subscriber that’s $3.53 you are saving per 100 clicks.

So to save the $67 LeadPages monthly fee you would only need to purchase 1900 clicks per month. Anything above that is pure profit.

Anyone who is building a list should be getting more than 1900 clicks per month.

Now this applies to adswapping and clickbanking also since you are increasing your subscribes for the same situation.




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