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Everything DONE FOR YOU (squeeze, OTO, down-sell, ARs, branded PDFs plus more!…)

If you’re looking for more information on Aaron Danker’s Setup My Products service then you’ve come to the right place. In this review we’ll take a look at what Aaron and his team promise, what happens when you actually order, how long it takes to have everything setup, what happens after the site is setup, and how successful (or not successful) you’ll be after everything has settled. Keep reading to get the full scoop…

What does Setup My Products offer?…

Well as the name implies they setup your products for you – not just the products but an entire system. After skim reading the main page it was very clear that I was getting a lot for my money… a squeeze page, Aweber list creation, auto-responder emails added, products to give away, an up-sell package, a down-sell package, rebranded PDFs… it was almost too good to be true. I know from experience that it would take me up to a week to put a full system like this together, so it really appealed to me knowing everything could be setup for me.

What happens what you click the ‘buy now’ button?…

Okay, I took the plunge and bought the service. It was $97 at the time of writing which was a bargain considering all the components that were going to be put together. You get redirected to the JVZoo checkout page, which is good because it means you can’t accidentally lose your download page and you have full control over what you’ve bought. After paying I was taken to the setup form which asked for my server IP, my server username, and my server password. Along with that they also asked for my Aweber username, password and the URL that I plan to have everything installed to. Now I would say that if you’re not comfortable handing out this information, then create a temporary username/password to give them access. Then after they’ve finished, you can change it back to how you want.

After clicking the submit button I was sent a confirmation message saying that everything had been received and that the team would carry our the service. At the same time I was also given access to the Trafftastic course – which is provided to help you get traffic. This worked out very well because I could watch the videos, prepare myself mentally for promoting, even start building my links.

When my product was installed…

Now was the waiting game. The next morning I received an email from the team saying that my setup was finished. I was quite excited – I felt like a little school boy 🙂 What I liked is that they didn’t just leave me in the cold, but gave me full instructions with all the links to how my system was setup. This I really liked because I thought I would have to somehow figure out what was happening on my end. I was given everything from the OTO pages, the download links for my free and paid subscribers, the names of the Aweber list names that were created, the offers I would be promoting in the background, where my affiliate links are placed plus loads more. It was really clever how everything was setup and I was really impressed at the professionalism of it all – much better than what I could have done.

Okay so the next question – does it work?…

I knew this part was down to me – traffic. I had a little budget to work with and wanted to get traffic fast so I turned to solo ads. If you don’t know what one is, it’s simply paying for someone to with a mailing list to send out a promo email to your squeeze page. In return you get instant traffic and sign-ups. My first solo ad was for 100 clicks for $50. You want to be paying about $0.50-65 per click with solo ad providers. Any more than this then they’re ripping you off. I won’t say who the list owner was because they’ll just reject you if you approach them with the same squeeze page but here are my results…

Total visitors… 121
Total sign-ups… 43
$17 upgrade sales… 1
$7 upgrade sales… 1

Firstly I must say that the list owner over delivered on clicks which I’m really happy about. Next is the feeling when you see that first ‘Notification Of Payment’ in your inbox for the first time!… Priceless!

So let’s take a look at the numbers. 43 sign-ups, after 121 visitors. That’s a 35.5% conversion rate (43/121 x 100). So not bad. Not amazing, but not bad. Next is 2 total sales after 43 visitors. A 4.6% conversion on the offers, which again is better than the standard 1-2% with main sales letters. I spent $50 and got $24 back plus 43 new subscribers that still have yet to see the emails in the autoresponder sequence. I’ve also got the ability to email them at any time in the future which is where the real money is and what this system was all about. So I’m very pleased the results. I chose the paid method because it’s pretty much instant. For long term I plan to use article traffic and start blogging to pick up search engine traffic.

What I would stress is that the system itself did it’s job. I’m sure the squeeze page conversion could be tweaked a little but as it stands it works brilliantly. It’s definitely a massive time saver and gives you something to work with straight away. I’d definitely recommend this system to anyone looking to build a mailing list in the internet marketing niche and make money at the same time. The amount of work put into this far outweighs the price tag because I know full well that just having the content to give stuff away for free is going to cost me $97 minimum. It’s also how detailed everything is put together… things like the way the emails are written, the free gifts that are sent out to your subscribers, the recommendations on your download page, the way your subscribers are encouraged to promote the 100% commission program, etc.

It’s clear that a lot of work went into this system and the way it was delivered and installed in a timely manner. This definitely gets the thumbs up from me. After doing some digging around I managed to find responses from other people who also had this system setup for them.

Check out the official site for yourself

Or if you want more training on how to setup your own sales funnel from scratch, then watch these free video tutorials here

Please feel free to leave a comment below! I’ve love to know what you think!






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