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FREE Marketing Tips That Will Skyrocket Your Sales.

These tips will increase your marketing effectiveness.
For a complete list of 50 Marketing Hot Tips & Tricks and complete descriptions of why they work, Click Here

  1. Focus on the benefits of your product or service and not the features
  2. Use case studies in your marketing to sell people without selling them.
  3. Join relevant facebook groups in your niche and see what people are complaining about.
  4. Identify what your competitors are doing well and see how you can replicate it.
  5. Offer a range of differently priced upsells.
  6. Mention the “Normal” price next to your sales price and have a reason for a deal.
  7. Use the word “Only” before a price.
  8. Offer limited time deals.
  9. End your prices with a 7, .97, 5, or .95.
  10. Offer a free gift with purchase

For a complete list of 50 Marketing Hot Tips & Tricks and complete descriptions of why they work, Click Here




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