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How to add 1K Email Subscribers for $39

An inexpensive way to add 1000 subscribers to your email list is to co host a giveaway event. This used to be very expensive. Some still charge over $1000 to do this.
David Railey only charges $39 for this and the subscribers get automatically added to your autoresponder. He guarantees at least 1000 subscribers or he will add you to another event.
The good thing about this is he does everything. You just pay him $39 and he does the rest. he sets up the event, advertises for JVs, promotes it. You just sit back and collect 1K or more subscribers.
You can add text ads, gifts, or OTOs to the event if you want but they are not required. If you do add gifts make sure to have the subscribers added to a different AR or it really doesn’t serve a purpose since all the people in the event are already added to your AR.
Make sure to choose to co host the event and not host the event which is much more expensive.
Contact me if you have any questions regarding this.
If you don’t have an autoresponder sign up for an Aweber or GetResponse account first.
Then Click Here to schedule his event.
This is a great way to kickstart your list. You can do this a couple of times but probably not more than 4 or you will just keep getting the same subscribers.
A great way to multiply subscribers from the above event or just in general is to open another autoresponder account from the above links and then in the welcome email for the event send them to List Spark which will add to the new list and also get some to upgrade to the pro level where you will make $16.80 per month, if you have upgraded at $19.99 per month, from each person who upgrades. Seems to run about 10% people upgrade for me.
To see my review of list spark click here

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