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How To Promote MOBE or MTTB

I have gotten a bunch of requests for SOLOs to MOBE or MTTB and I turn them down unless the customer has their own squeeze page and swipe.

The swipe you are given has been sent millions of times and goes to spam most of the time and even if it doesn’t everyone has seen it hundreds of times.

Similar with the landing page. Pretty much everyone has seen it so much they just ignore it.

The proper way to promote MOBE/MTTB is with a custom squeeze page with a custom swipe. The page and swipe should not mention any of the typical MOBE/MTTB keywords or phrases.

The idea is to get the subscribers on your list first them promote MOBE/MTTB in an autoresponder followup series. It does need to be Make Money Online (MMO) orientated as the ultimate goal is to get them into MOBE/MTTB.

I have 2 solutions to this:

1) I can design a custom squeeze page for you which I will give free with any order of 500 clicks or more. You just need an Aweber account.
This squeeze page can be used only for SOLOs purchased from me and  it will be a leadpage squeeze page.

2) An even better solution I think is to use one of the free funnels out there which will first promote the funnel itself and then the followup series would promote MOBE/MTTB.
This way you can monetize the traffic first and then promote MOBE/MTTB.

There are many of these systems out there but the one I am most familiar with is List Spark.

That would be the same page that I recommend you promote as it is related to make money online like MOBE.

Here are my stats from List Spark


What this shows is that between initial purchase and rebills I made $1655.98.

So if you buy solos at 0.40/click and you have a squeeze page like list spark which gives around 35% conversion rate, each subscriber costs $1.14. I got 2111 subscribers so it cost me $2406.54 and I made back $1655.98 so each subscriber actually cost me 0.36 which is pretty good.

There is still more money to come in from list spark on these subscribers since it is monthly recurring and some people are still paying.

In addition once the subscriber is on your list you can then send them to MOBE/MTTB and other offers. List Spark has a bunch of affiliate offers they recommend promoting along with custom emails for each offer you can just load into your autoresponder.

I recommend using Aweber as GetResponse is not delivering well currently. About 33% of the amount Aweber does. GetResponse usually cannot deliver at all to Microsoft Email Service Providers (ESPs) such as hotmail.com, MSN.com, outlook.com, live.com.

My SOLO are available at http://solosbyed.com




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