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Preventing BOT and other bad clicks in your Pay Per Lead (PPL) Program

Running your own pay per lead, PPL, program is a great way to get traffic cheaper than solo ad traffic. You also don’t have to worry about how great your squeeze page is since you are paying per lead and not per click. You are also only paying for tier 1 traffic so any other traffic is free. Watch this video to learn about running your own PPL program.

The biggest problem though is people sending automated or bot traffic or other kinds of fake or automated traffic.
You can spend a bunch of time monitoring the traffic but that takes a lot of knowledge.

I have found a way to make it automated if you are using the List profit Generator PPL software.
It requires interfacing List Profit Generator, LPG, to software that checks the traffic for suspicious traffic.
It is difficult to make this software yourself as it requires daily monitoring of massive amounts of traffic
to determine what is good and bad.

Fortunately there is software out there that does bot blocking already called ClickMagick, CM.

It is only a matter of making some script changes to LPG to make it use CM.

I have made those changes and will make it available to anyone who buys CM through my affiliate link.

It is also available to those that already own CM for $69.

CM has many other uses but even if you just use if for this purpose it is well worth it at $17/month for the cheapest plan. Or even $12/month if you pay a year in advance.





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