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Reduce GetResponse Closures

GetResponse closes a lot of accounts because when people unsubscribe they are presented with a reason they are unsubscribing and if too high a percentage of those people say they did not subscribe to your list, even though they did, GR will close your account and they call it improper lead acquisition process.


One way we can reduce this is by providing our own unsubscribe process. This can be accomplished by using Lead Pages – Lead Links.
Create a new list in GR and then create a lead link for that new list.

As an added monitization method we can send the newly unsubscribed lead to anywhere we want such as a CPA offer. Send them first to a meta refresh page that says something like ” Thanks for being a subscriber. You have been unsubscribed.” then after 3 seconds send them to the offer.

We insert our unsubscribe link at the bottom of our email and call it something like One Click Unsubscribe

Make it a hyperlink and insert your leadlink link. Now when someone clicks this link they will be immediately added to the new list.
You then need to create automation rules by selecting this list in the top right in GR and then scrolling down to Automation.

Now create one rule for each list. Choose If Subscribed -> Then remove and one of your lists. Do this for every list except this new unsubscribe list.

Every once in a while you will need to go in and delete all emails from this unsubscribe list. Also make sure not to include this list when doing any broadcasts.




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