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Send Your SOLO Ad to 75,000 Bizop Leads Every Day!

In order order to make money online you need people seeing your offer.
An easy way to do that is to send out an email to interested people.
Herculist will let you email their list of 75,000+ leads once a day,
every day, for a $45 per YEAR!
Its a safelist but you do not have to view or click any links.

I did this a few years ago and it is still working. These are not the highest
quality leads. Its around 70% tier 1  and you only get around
7% optin rate but it adds up.

Here is how start.
1) Create a new gmail email address for use only with this. Click Here

2) Click this link to join Herculist.

3) Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the yellow YES under Gold Member.

4) Enter that email address you created in step 1 and click Join Herculist.

5) Check your email, check spam if you don’t see. And click the link to confirm your email address.

6) Create your new account and pay the $45.

7) Every day to send out an email, login to herculist.

8) Click the Gold link at the top of the screen.

9) Close and ads and click Email Database.

10) You can either create a new ad or just click the resubmit a previous ad link.

11) Repeat daily and profit!




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