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Use LeadLinks to do Co Registration

It’s been a while since I made a blog post. Been very busy since Solo Ad Summit with all the great new ideas.

Here is a trick to allow use of LeadLinks to co register subscribers added to Aweber also into GetResponse.
LeadLinks uses the api interface so will only work into GetResponse because Aweber requires confirmation on their api leads.

LeadLinks is designed to allow you to add a subscriber to your autoresponder when they click a link in an email.
This works great for creating a list of clickers.

But the basic leadlink just adds an email address included in the URL to the autoresponder.
We can use that to do co-registration. Co-Registration means to add a subscriber to more than one autoresponder at the same time.
It needs a simple script to put the aweber email address in the correct LeadLinks format.
You can download the ll.txt script from here. You will need to modify it and put in your LeadLinks URL and then resave it as ll.php
That was lowercase LL.
The URL in the file is $url = “http://xxx.leadlinks.net/leadlink/xxxx/$email/”;
Replace the URL with your LeadLinks URL but keep the ending /$email/ in place

LeadLinks is part of Leadpages Pro

1) First create a normal GetResponse LeadLink in LeadPages
Set the thank you page to be where you want the subscriber to go after being added to GetResponse. Typically your thank you page or click bank rotator.
Basically the same place the subscriber went directly after being added to your Aweber account previously.

Choose GetResponse under step 1

2) You need a script to put the aweber email address in the correct LeadLinks format.
You can download the leadlinks.txt script from here. You will need to modify it and put in your LeadLinks URL.
The URL in the file is $url = “YOUR LEADLINKS URL”;
Replace the URL with your LeadLinks URL but change [[email]] to $email
It should now look something like:
$url = “http://xxxx.leadlinks.net/leadlink/12121212121212/$email/full_name:[[name]]/”;
Now save the file as leadlinks.php and ftp it to one of your domains.
Lets assume your domain is yourdomain.com so the new URL will now be http://yourdomain.com/leadlinks.php

You can test it by putting the url with an email into your browser.
make sure to use your domain and a not on your list valid email and after going to the url make sure the subscriber gets added to your GetResponse list.
3) In Aweber go to the signup form you are using and under settings click advanced settings and make sure “Forward subscriber information to your thank you page” is checked.
Set the thank you page and already subscribed page to both be custom and use the new url similar to http://yourdomain.com/leadlinks.php

You are done.
If you purchased LeadPages through my link I would be glad to help you go through this.




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